Los próximos días 9-11 de mayo de 2024 el profesor Mario Wening organiza el International Conference Metaphysics East and West en la Universidad Loyola (Sevilla)
El programa del evento es el siguiente:
THURSDAY, 09.05.24
10:00-10:15 Welcome Remarks (Ignacio Sepulveda)
10:15-11:00 Zaida Espinoza (Sevilla), Reinhardt Grossmann’s The CategorialStructure of the World: How can Western realist ontologies be challengedfrom an intercultural perspective?
11:00-11:45 Saulius Geniusas (Hong Kong): Beyond Metaphysical Neutrality:Husserl’s Phenomenological Metaphysics
11:45-12:15 Coffee Break
12:15-12:50 Jingcheng Shi (Hong Kong): The Concept of Region in Husserl’sMetaphysics
12:50-13:35 Mario Wenning (Sevilla): Existential Metaphysics and WorldPhilosophy
13:40-15:15 Lunch
15:15-16:00 Rosa Colmenarejo (Córdoba): “What does «human» explainable?”
16:00-16:45 Juan Antonio Senent (Loyola): Los jesuitas y los otros: metafísicade la amistad como medio para un trato intercultural en la diversidad
16:45-17:15 Coffee Break
17:15-18:00 Gloria Luque Moya (Málaga): An Ontology of Events. AComparative Interpretation of Confucianism and Pragmatism
18:00-18:45 Chong-Fuk Lau (Hong Kong): The Landscape of Kant´s Ontology20:00 Dinner (El Cabildo)
FRIDAY 10-5-2024
10:00-10:45 Zhong Lei (Hong Kong): Emergent Causation in a PhysicalWorld
10:45-11:30 Jiji Zhang (Hong Kong): Actual Causation and Minimality
11:30-12:00 Coffee Break
12:00-12:45 Lo Tien-Chun (Hong Kong): Ground and Molinism
12:45-13:30 Nicholas K Rimell (Hong Kong): A Pairing Problem for MinimalA-Theorists (and Beyond)
13:30-15:15 Lunch
15:15-16:00 David Chai (Hong Kong): Liezi on the Nature of Reality
16:00-16:45 David Mengual (Sevilla): The Confucian Metaphysics behindRecognition in Japan
16:45-17:15 Coffee Break
17:15-18:00 Zheng Zemian (Hong Kong): Oneness, Mindfulness, and Time inSu Shi’s Philosophy
18:00-18:35 Changjie Yang (Hong Kong): Classical Sāṃkhya’s Emancipatory Dualism: A Reflection on the Methodology for Interpreting Classical IndianMetaphysics
18:35-19:00 Closing Remarks
20:00 Dinner
SATURDAY 11-5-2024
10:00-14:00 Guided City Tour
14:00-17:00 Business Lunch